
Periods are challenging enough when you are working at your desk or even curled up on your sofa at home. And when you need to travel on your period, it’s an entirely a different story. Lack of washrooms, the stress of stains and unpredictable schedules all add to the chaos of the blood gushing out from your vagina.

As we said, vaginas are efficient, self-cleansing organs. Your vaginal wall is lined up with a concoction of good bacteria which spews out anything that might lead to an infection. This mix of bacteria also balances your vagina’s pH level. That’s all your vagina needs! However, we are morally policed since childhood to keep our vaginas “clean” and “fresh” by a variety of products which popularly claim to do so.

On average, girls start menstruating at the age of 12. Isn’t it better to prepare them mentally for their periods and the changes in their bodies by having a conversation with them much earlier? When talking to a young girl about these, though, it’s necessary to keep a few things in mind.

Menstruation brings with it a lot of mixed feelings – relief because you know that your body is functioning healthily as well as dread due to the discomfort of bloating and the pain-inducing cramps. It’s not just physical discomfort that makes us feel this way, but also the mental one.

‘Contraception’ sure is a heavy term. In simple words, it is the deliberate use of artificial techniques that has your sexual life on a leash; ie. it has the power to control your pregnancy as well as the future of your sexual life. In this article, we are going to be looking at some of the popular methods of contraception, including its advantages as well as disadvantages.

Most of us have been exposed to the idea of certain food items having an adverse effect on our menstruating bodies. Some of them are true, yes, but most of them, aren’t. Look out for some of these food myths in your daily life, because they are simply an added headache to your periods!

When companies that manufacture and sell products put in genuine efforts towards educating customers about the entire product life cycle, starting from transparently outlining all the ingredients to facilitating ways to properly dispose the product after being used, we can initiate a sustainable change at a large scale.

We have been coping with the pandemic by all means possible, but this sudden yet inevitable change in our menstrual cycles is not what we expected. As inconvenient as it may be, this change in our periods can be brought under control, or rather, be brought back to normal. However, to be able to do that, you need to understand what is happening to your body.

All we need to do is take care of ourselves and ensure that we undertake necessary preventive measures before it gets too late. Cervical cancer is one such health problem. While the disease has the potential to spread to different parts of the body and become fatal, there are several ways in which it can be diagnosed and cured at the early stages.