Every sanitary pad, whether it’s found in the secret pocket of your bag or the one that’s kept under the bed in case of emergencies, comes with its own unique story. These stories are more than just stories as they represent stigmas and myths that have existed for generations. They need to be uncovered, unlearned and undone for society to progress in the right direction.
When we take a closer look at what may have started these myths that surround menstruation and period products, it’s shocking that they still exist today. Here are a few interesting myths that we feel would be a great starting point to break the stigmas around periods. If you are already aware of them, good for you. If you aren’t, here we go.
Myth 1: Pads Needn’t Be Changed So Frequently

If you’re considering the possibility of using a pad for more than six hours – don’t. If your flow is heavy, you may even need to change it more frequently. The moist feeling down there while on your period indicates that you are not changing your pad enough, and you should increase the frequency of doing so. If someone tells you that’s unnecessary, it is your responsibility to educate them, too.
Myth 2: One Size fits all

When it comes to choosing the right sanitary pad for your flow, one size does not fit all. Everyone is unique and so are their menstrual cycles. Depending on your age, lifestyle, diet and other factors your flow may vary from day to day or cycle to cycle. Typically, on your first or second days, when you are experiencing heavy flow, it’s recommended to use a bigger size, XL or overnight, pad with higher absorbency capacity. On medium to light flow days, such as your third or fourth days, you can switch to Large or Regular size pads depending your flow.
Myth 3: Pads Are Only For Women

Even today, menstruation is considered a topic that concerns only women, and not all other genders that experience periods. This implies that people who do not fall under the ‘female’ category have absolutely no say in period-related discussions. Think about this for a second. How would a man, who happens to not fall under the ‘female’ gender, but has to undergo periods feel about using a sanitary pad. And likewise, how will a woman, who can never menstruate in her life feel when she’s “expected” to bleed every month? A topic worth pondering, don’t you think?
Myth 4: Pads Need To Be Hidden In Public

We’ve all been there. The hushed conversations before taking the pad out and wrapping it in a newspaper without making eye contact with those around. Why? Who says a woman carrying a sanitary pad must undergo ‘the walk of shame’ to the washroom? Pads, like other commodities, are meant to make your life easier and healthier, not to make you feel guilty for a natural and normal biological process.
The Key Is To Learn. Unlearn. Relearn
The only way to outgrow the stories and myths that have existed for decades or even centuries is to address them with an open mind and practical reasoning rather than stereotypes that have been passed down for generations. More power to you!