Ugh, period time. The general discomfort that accompanies every period cycle makes most menstruators just want to curl up in bed with a good TV show and some solid ice cream, and hey, we completely get it. If your insides are trying their best to strangle you, it does make sense that the non-sexual version of Netflix and chill is the best (and least energy-consuming) option.
However, every person’s experience with menstruation is different; there are also some menstruators who aren’t quite at the zombie stage, but also aren’t at the err…enthusiasm level that most period ad actors exude. So, with that being said, what are the medium level activities one can do on their period?
1. Gentle exercise

Anything light will always feel right. Engaging in mild exercises like walking, swimming (if you’re open to doing that on your period), or yoga can help relieve cramps and improve your mood. Also, it will help you stay in shape, and not break your regular exercise routine/momentum.
2. Rest and relaxation
You may not feel it all the time, but your body may need extra rest during your period, so take the opportunity to relax, rest, and recharge. Read a book, take a warm bath, or practice meditation.
3. Creative pursuits

Explore your artistic side by engaging in creative activities like painting, drawing, writing, or playing a musical instrument. These activities can be a great way to express yourself and focus on something enjoyable. They’re great mood boosters as well!
4. Self-care

Pamper yourself with self-care activities such as taking care of your skin, doing a face mask, getting a massage, or practising aromatherapy. It’s important to prioritise your well-being during this time. Plus, face masks always smell SO good.
5. Cooking or baking
Experimenting with new recipes or making your favourite comfort foods can be a fun and productive way to spend your time. Treat yourself to nourishing meals that make you feel good.
6. Catch up on hobbies or projects

If you have any ongoing hobbies or projects, your period might be a good time to dedicate some focused attention to them. Whether it’s knitting, gardening, woodworking, or any other hobby, enjoy the time to indulge in your passions.
7. Socialising
If you’re up to it, consider meeting up with friends for a low-key gathering or having a cosy movie night at home. Human company always has the ability to cheer people up!
Remember, everyone’s period is different, and ultimately, you should listen to your body and do what feels right for you. If you want to curl up in front of the TV, it’s absolutely fine. If you want to do lowkey activities, follow your body’s signals and go for it if you feel up to it. And if you want to climb a mountain, get that bread (and colour us thoroughly impressed).